Friday, June 12, 2009

rilla, fighting irish

Today I finished reading the Anne of Green Gables books for the zillioneth time. They just never get old to me. I read them for the first time in high school and it always makes me a little bit sad that I didn't read them when I was little so I would have had that much longer to enjoy them. The last book in the series, Rilla of Ingleside, is possibly my favorite. It takes place during World War I and it is just such a sad, beautiful book! I cry and cry through the whole thing. Rereading them reminded me of one of my favorite quotes, from Oscar Wilde: "If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all."

There is only about a week left until Thomas leaves for Notre Dame. I am going to be so sad to see him go! We have had a beautiful summer together so far, and I am going to miss him terribly. I will fortunately have plenty to keep me busy, between a job, getting as much as possible done on my master's thesis, and working out... Hopefully the time will go by quickly!

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