At the end of September, I turned 25! We went to P. F. Chang's for dinner (yum!) and Thomas made me a cake. Not the most exciting birthday I've ever had, since most of the day was just like any other, but it was fun to go out and I got quite a few nice presents too.
At the beginning of October, Thomas had a conference to go to in Philadelphia, so instead of staying in Knoxville, Jamie and I took advantage of his absence and went to Kirksville for a visit. He was such a good flyer! I wish we could always fly. This is sadly the best picture I could get of his first flight.
(I miss having a yard soooo much now that I have a baby!)
Mr. James turned 4 months right after we got back from our trip. I will have to do a separate post with his updates. He has been a busy boy lately!
Thomas's sister Emily came for a visit during her midterm break. I'm afraid I didn't get many pictures of her visit, but Jamie had fun playing with his aunt and we had fun hanging out and showing her around Knoxville.
Last weekend we drove out to Great Smoky Mountain National Park, which is only about an hour from here, and went on a short hike. It was so beautiful! And a couple of the towns near the entrances to the park look like they have a lot of fun stuff to do. We plan to go back many times.
We also met two other couples from Missouri doing the same hike as us- so random!
And of course, last weekend was also Jamie's first Halloween. I really wanted to dress him up but didn't want to spend a lot of money on a costume when he's too young to go trick-or-treating, so I made him this pirate costume with some cheap red and black fabric. I used a plain white onesie he already had and just added a skull and crossbones. I didn't have a pattern for the pants and just modeled them on a pair he already has, so I'm glad no one can see the seams, but I love how it all turned out!
The grass in the back yard is looking pretty nice, Dad must have put down some weed killer. Nice pictures.