Monday, February 8, 2016


Pictures from December that didn't make it on to any other posts...

helping make holiday treats
snuggling his favorites friends
Seriously, I cannot keep this boy on the ground. Leave him alone for 30 seconds and he's climbing on something. Another 30 seconds and I guarantee he would have been IN the sink.
yep, that's my toothbrush. Thanks for that, Jacob. (Can you tell Jamie LOVES having a partner for all his mischief-making?)

We got a book about WWI from the library book sale. Jamie and I read it together for at least an hour, and then he made up an elaborate game where he was a soldier in the war and fighting from the trenches. 

Jamie was playing Grinch, so he found his dog Max and he took some red thread and he tied a big horn on the top of his head.
another day, another sink...
lots of arts projects going on, always

We made salt dough ornaments as some of our gifts this year. Jamie in particular had a great time making them. Jacob got to help paint a few, until he tried to eat them.
Here's the "before," but unfortunately I didn't get an "after" picture! He was such. a. mess!

Fridge cleaning with weasels.

I think this may have been his first ever beater-licking experience.

A few pictures from the zoo...

Randomly found this. Jamie had been copying out portions of one of Thomas's books.
Made some more felt ornaments for Christmas gifts this year. these were for my brother Nathaniel's family
brother snuggles!
waiting to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens!! We saw it opening night and loved it, even Mr. It-Can-Never-Live-Up-To-My-Expanded-Universe-Expectations!
This may have happened a few times before Jacob finally got a haircut. Poor boy, ha ha!
Jamie requested "sewing lessons." He stitched this ornament together.
Another sewing lesson. This is the pillow he made for Peter Rabbit's Christmas present.

Both my boys have been OBSESSED with playing with dried beans around this age! Jacob seriously asks to do this every single day. I often say no because there are a lot of days I just can't handle the mess it makes, but boy does he love it!!

playing at the park the day after Christmas... with no jackets. It was like 70 degrees!!
Jamie and his buddy Teague.

We went down to Atlanta for our niece Savannah's blessing on December 27th. We forgot the memory card and have literally zero pictures from the trip, so I borrowed this from Sarah's blog. Savannah is such a darling baby!

New Year's Eve! We had an early fake midnight for Jamie and then stayed up playing games and eating snacks to welcome in 2016!

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