Wednesday, June 8, 2011

walking update

Jamie took his first steps last week, but after that he didn't seem very interested in it. That is apparently often the case for babies who are really good at crawling, so I wasn't surprised but I wanted to see more walking. It was just so darn cute! So I kind of tricked him into taking 2 or 3 steps a few times by putting something desirable (like my phone) on a chair just out of his reach, but for the most part there was no more walking . . . until today! Probably 7 or 8 different times today he took 3 or 4 steps on his own, either after I set him down standing or after he pulled himself up, let go, and took a few steps. It was so exciting!
the cutest boy around!


  1. (by Annie's mom)
    Sounds very cute to see him take a few steps - and the picture here, as usual, is adorable! Can't get too much of seeing pictures of (and being in person with) this adorable little boy!

  2. Ha fatto bene! (I'm practicing Italian, so all my future comments will be in Italian, except when they're not.)
